Absolutely NOT!!
No, OE 324 works to IMPROVE its members’ lives, NOT reduce current working conditions. Any CBA negotiated by OE 324 would be ratified (voted upon) by the members (YOU!!).
If the employer isn’t abiding by the CBA, OE 324 will file a grievance, on your behalf, to ensure that the employer is in compliance with the CBA. If you have questions and/or concerns about worksite conditions you will be able to contact a Business Agent to address your concerns.
OE 324 offers training in two general categories: Hoisting & Portable (H&P) and Stationary. This includes every aspect from CDL training, forklifts and OSHA requirements to Heavy Equipment, Technician and Boiler/HVAC. Plus, we offer specialty training as needed! Classes are generally offered in the fall/winter months with convenient online registration.
H & P training includes:
- OSHA 10 Hr. & 30 Hr. Construction Classes
- OSHA 16 Hr. Disaster Site Worker Certification
- OSHA Forklift Certification
- OSHA 40 hour Hazwoper Training
- MSHA Part 46, Surface Mine & Quarry Certification
- Gas Pipeline Distribution
- Pipeline Oiler
- Hydro Testing
- CDL Course
- First Aid/CPR/AED
- Labor Studies
- MUST drug testing
- Basic Dozer, Excavator & Grader
- Advanced Dozer, Excavator & Grader
- Loader Course
- Grade Control Systems Technology (TopCon & Trimble)
- Hydro Excavation
- Horizontal Directional Drill
- Concrete Sawing Course
- Basic Grade (Stakes) Familiarization
- Drone/Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS)
- Welding-Basic GMAW
- Welding-Advanced
- Basic Crane
- Crane II
- Tower Crane
- Overhead Crane
- Spyder Crane
- Rigging/Signalperson Fundamentals
- Crane – Assembly/Disassembly
- Crane – Assembly/Disassembly Director Training
- NCCCO Preparation Course
- NCCCO Mobile, Tower & Overhead Crane Written Exams
- NCCCO Mobile, Tower & Overhead Crane Practical Exams
- NCCCO Signalperson & Rigger Exams
Stationary Training Includes:
- Third Class Stationary Engineer Program
- Advanced Steam Program
- Mechanical Equipment Maintenance
- General Building Maintenance
- Energy Conservation I & II
- Third Class Refrigeration Operator Program
- Advanced Refrigeration Operator Program
- Refrigeration Servicing Program
- First Class Refrigeration Refresher
- HVAC Controls I-III
- IAQ — Indoor Air Quality I & II
- Water Chemistry & Treatment
- Facilities Management Chief Engineer
- Math & Engineering Calculations
- Electrical Troubleshooting & Repair
- CFC Seminar
- Building Automation High Pressure Boiler Operator Program
- Boiler Types and Operation
- Mathematics for Stationary Engineers
- Boiler Auxiliaries & Safety Devices (ASME CSD 1)
- Pumps & Compressor Operation & Repair
- Electrical Systems for Facilities Personnel
- Combustion, Burner Operation & Repair
- Heating Theory & Energy Savings
- Boiler Maintenance & Repair
- Facility Operations & Workplace Safety Low Pressure Boiler Operator Program
- Boiler Types and Operation
- Mathematics for Stationary Engineers
- Auxiliaries & Safety Devices (ASME CSD 1)
- Pumps & Compressor Operation & Repair
- Electrical Systems for Facilities Personnel
- Combustion, Burner Operation & Repair
- Ability to collectively bargain for a fair contract, including terms and conditions, wages, benefits, retirement, and workplace rules.
- A voice in your employment.
- The establishment of a set of employer rules that must be followed, and the backing of a strong organization to help defend you if they are not.
- A share in a brother and sisterhood of professionals who know what it takes to succeed in the career you’ve chosen.
- A union that will help you find other opportunities for employment if it is necessary, protect your rights and your contract, and offer industry-best lifelong training free of cost.
- Better healthcare, retirement, and wages.